Respected users,

Welcome to register as a user of Jiexi Mall (subject: Nanjing Jiexi Technologies Co., Ltd.). Please read the following terms of service carefully before registering. The Parties to this service agreement are users of this website and this website, and this service agreement has the validity of the contract. Upon your confirmation of this Service Agreement, this Service Agreement shall be deemed to have legal effect between you and this website. Please be sure to read all the service agreement carefully before registering. If there is any question, please feel free to consult our website(this website). As long as you click the "Registration" button on the registration page and successfully register as a user in accordance with the registration procedure of this website, you will be deemed to have agreed to and signed this Service Agreement, regardless of whether you have actually read this Service Agreement carefully before registration.

1. Any confirmation and acceptance of the terms of service of this website. The ownership and operation rights of the services of this website belong to this website.

2. Users shall:

A. Equip themselves with the necessary equipment for Internet access, including personal computers, modems or other necessary Internet access devices;

B. Bear any telephone charges and network charges related to this service paid for by their personal Internet access.

3. Users shall not make, copy, publish, transmit, disseminate or store illegal or undesirable information containing the following contents on the trading platform of this website, including but not limited to the use of account names, avatars, information, etc., which contain the following contents:

A. Any content that violates the basic principles determined by the Constitution; any content that endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, and undermines national unity;

B. Any content that harms the honor and interests of the country; any content that incites ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination or undermines national unity.

C. Any content that undermines the country's religious policy and promotes cults and feudal superstitions.

D. Any content that spreads rumors, disturbs social order or undermines social stability.

E. Any content that spreads obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigation of crime.

F. Any content that insults or slanders others or infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.

G. Any other content prohibited by laws, regulations or policies.

4. Regarding personal data, the user agrees to:

A. Provide timely, detailed and accurate personal data.

B. Receive information from this website.

C. Constantly update the registration information to meet the timely, detailed and accurate requirements. All originally typed data will be referenced as registration data.

D. This website undertakes not to disclose the user's name, address, email address and pseudonym, except in the following cases:

a. Users authorize this website to disclose this information.

b. The corresponding laws and procedures require this website to provide users' personal data. If the information provided by the user contains incorrect information, this website reserves the right to terminate the user's qualification to use the information service of this website.

5. When registering, users shall choose an email with relatively good stability and security, and agree to accept and read all kinds of e-mails sent to users by this website. If the user fails to receive e-mail from his own e-mail in time or cannot receive or read the e-mail normally due to the problems of the user's e-mail or the user's e-mail reception and reading program itself, as long as the e-mail is successfully sent on this website, the user shall be deemed to have received the relevant e-mail. The sending time recorded on the sending server of the e-mail is regarded as the time of delivery.

6. Instructions for users

A. Users shall choose the commonly used mobile phone number when registering, and agree to accept and read all kinds of text messages sent to users on this website. If the user fails to receive the text message from his mobile phone in time or cannot receive or read the message normally due to the problems of the user's mobile phone or the user's short message receiving and reading program itself, as long as the mobile phone message is successfully sent on this website, it shall be deemed that the user has received the relevant text message.

B. Users shall fill in a correct and valid mobile phone number when registering, which is used to retrieve the password. If the password can not be recovered due to the user's failure to fill in the correct and valid mobile phone number, and the user can not log in correctly and cause the user's loss, this website shall not bear the relevant responsibility.

7. Modification of terms of service

This website shall be entitled to modify the terms of service if necessary. Once the terms of service of this website are changed, the content will be prompted on the important page. If you do not agree with the changed content, the user can take the initiative to cancel the information service of this website. If users continue to enjoy the information services of this website, they will be deemed to have accepted changes in the terms of service. This website reserves the right to modify or interrupt the service at any time without notifying the user. This website exercises the right to modify or interrupt the service and is not responsible to the user or a third party.

8. User privacy system

Respecting the privacy of users is a basic policy of this website. Therefore, this website will not disclose, edit or disclose its registration information and non-public content stored in this website without the authorization of legitimate users, unless there are laws and regulations, policies or the following circumstances, this website deems it necessary to disclose such information on the basis of good faith:

A. Comply with laws, regulations and policies, and comply with the legal service procedures of this website.

B. Maintain and maintain the trademark ownership of this website.

C. Make every effort to safeguard the privacy and security of users and the general public in case of emergency.

D. This website reserves the right to publish the analysis of the member population.

9. User's account number, password and security

Once you successfully register as a user, you will get a password and account number. If you do not take good care of your account and password security, you will take full responsibility. In addition, each user is fully responsible for all activities and events in his or her account. You can change your password at any time according to instructions, or you can close your old account and reopen a new one. Users agree that if any illegal use of user accounts or security vulnerabilities are found, please notify this website immediately.

10. Refusal to provide guarantee

The user explicitly agrees that the use of the information service shall be at the user's personal risk. This website shall be entitled to interrupt, suspend or terminate its products and services after the announcement. It does not guarantee the timeliness, security and errors of the services, but will avoid errors within its capabilities.

11. Limited liability

This website shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or secondary damages arising from improper use of the site's services or information transmitted by users that do not comply with the regulations. These actions may lead to damage to the image of this website, so this website puts forward the possibility of such damage in advance, and will try its best to avoid the occurrence of such damage.

If you have any privacy complaints or issues, please contact us via email: